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Transparencies and excersises for the courese TDT16 Mathematical Morphology is now available in the Courses. NTNU, Department of computer science. ENST, Department of image processing.
You are visitor number 196 since 18 Mar 18. Back from a wonderful week in Tenerife. Sun, temperatures around 20-25 degrees celsius, eating out every day, fantastic hotel. Will post some new pictures of Eivind shortly. We are leaving for Tenerife for a weeks holiday on sunday. As of last week I am at home with our son Eivind.
Familias is a program for probability calculations when inferring paternity and identification based on DNA data. For free download of the program and documentation. An extended tutorial is available in English. Presents material relevant for Familias users in Spanish. The web page you are visiting now contains information on R Familias.
En del av de nasjonale Forskningsdagene. Student og vil jobbe som crew på Forskningstorget 2016? CICERO, Senter for klimaforskning.
The ESA DUE GlobSnow-2 project is coming to an end. Give an overview of the activities and accomplishments from the project. The aim of the ESA.
The HATS project finished on 31. All activities, objectives, milestones, and deliverables were achieved as planned and on time. The final project review took place in April 2013. All deliverables were approved and the project has been assessed with excellent progress, the highest possible assessment level. Lecture Notes on HATS International School on Formal Models for Objects and Components Available.
اولين کنفرانس الگوی اسلامی ايرانی پيشرفت در روزهای دهم و يازدهم خردادماه 1391 برگزار شد. انتشار خبرنامه شماره 1 مرکز الگوی اسلامی ايرانی پيشرفت. انتشار چکيده مقالات نخستين کنفرانس الگوی اسلامی ايرانی پيشرفت. انتشار چکيده مقالات نخستين کنفرانس الگوی اسلامی ايرانی پيشرفت.
Akademická 4, 949 01 Nitra, č. SOPK je členom Európskej komorovej siete. Prečo a ako sa stať členom Slovenskej obchodnej a priemyselnej komory. Zmeny v Zákonníku práce od 1.